American Idol

Okay, I admit it; I like to see the crash-n-burns on American Idol. And I don’t feel one bit sorry for them. The show’s been on, they’ve seen it. They should know by now that they should be sure about their talent before they try to impress the judges. The show gets boring after they’re done with auditions.

Simon, Paula, and Randy don’t really see all those people, do they? They must have sifters. But if they do have sifters, that means they let really bad people through to make the show better. (Not that I don’t believe that.) The other thing I always think about is whether most of the artists I like would make it through. I’m guessing some of them wouldn’t. But what about people like Tom Petty? He probably wouldn’t make it, to say nothing of Dylan. That just shows that AI is not really about who has the artistry or the creativity; just the polish and looks to pull it off.

Eh, whatever. Give me some more train wrecks.
